When was the last time you visited a doctor for your sac? I’m sure you haven’t cause let’s be honest, we aren’t going to let no doctor play with our balls. Since we all agree to this, I’m safe to assume that we haven’t felt our sac in a long time. That isn’t a comment on our sexual lives boys, relax! To get things started here, we need to realise that our balls are a part of our body and as any other organ, the best way to care for it is to try being a step ahead of it. Testicular cancer is more common than we think. Aged 18-35 years old men suffer from it and mostly are unaware about it till the symptoms inflict pain. Apart from the medicinal measures, our dear scientific community has graced us with, developing awareness is the one place we can start at.
It is pretty simple to check our sac for any irregularities. There are just three steps involved here. First, the best time to feel your balls up is while you’re having a nice warm shower after killing it at your work or gym. Cop a feel with those hanging dudes. Second step is to gently roll your balls one at a time between your thumb and index finger and feel the spermatic cord wrapped over them. Feel for any lumps or swelling, pain and both. Third step is to call a doctor if need be, cause he will then have your balls in his court.
So let’s make it a routine to feel our boys. That’s the least we can do after they have always fallen for us and let us stand tall.